Our foundation training course, 'Supporting Individuals in Distress,' covers what is needed for most people, however, some of those we support can fall outside the realms of standard training.
We can provide individualised consultancy around specific individuals and develop bespoke workshops, behaviour support plans, work 'hands on' with support staff to implement plans effectively and provide ongoing advice and support for your dynamic needs.
D.ESCAL8™ can work in all areas of education, health & social care with adults, young people and children.
We are proud to offer support to the following services:
Family Support Project - familysupportproject.com
Positive Behaviour Support - pbs.training
Psychological Flexibility - pf4.uk
Behaviour Desc - bx.desc.me
Positive Behaviour Support
Bespoke Consultancy
Our Family Support Project
1 & 2 day Bespoke Courses
Individualised Support & Consultancy
D8 provide individualised Functional Behavioural Assessments to aid and inform consultancy.
A Functional Behavioural Assessment will provide the data needed to design a Behaviour Support Plan that is tailored to the individual.
At D.ESCAL8™ we are continually developing and improving our courses and processes based on the latest research, legislation and guidance.
It is rare that additional physical elements are added to the Behaviour Support Plan (beyond those in our Foundation training). However, D.ESCAL8™ will design bespoke, professionally risk assessed physical skills if indicated by a comprehensive Functional Behavioural Assessment.
Our foundation course, 'Supporting Individuals in Distress,' is certified to the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards. Certification is administered by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities. More Info
Ongoing Organisation Support - After the initial training, customers can select various elements of the ongoing Service Level Agreement (SLA) that D.ESCAL8™ provide. This SLA gives the customer the option to choose from certain elements of support, such as:
Des made a huge difference to Woodbridge Park. We have been on a rapid journey towards a more holistic, trauma-informed approach with our children and young people; moving away from traditional black and white behaviourist principles. Des joined us at the right time in this journey and provided some intensive staff support and training which has had a significant impact on our procedures and on staff practice. Thanks to Des’ calm, reassuring manner, our staff engaged intently with training and it was clear that many had a few ‘light bulb’ moments when it all suddenly made sense.
Des inspired and motivated our whole service to think differently about behaviour and to focus on what is really going on with a child or young person. As a result of Des’ support, we have developed a trail-blazing pupil induction and targeted support toolkit which clearly identifies underlying causes of negative behaviours and personal triggers. We revised our Development Plan to focus on trauma, attachment and reducing staff and pupil stress and anxiety and focused all our energies in approaching children and young people with curiosity, not judgment. Since 2018, our challenging behaviour incidents have fallen around 50%, our fixed-term exclusions have reduced from over 100 per year to less than 15, with no pupils; for over a year; with more than one exclusion. Our school attendance has also improved over the last two years and we remain above national averages. Des was part of this success and this journey and we cannot speak highly enough about him, his energy and approach.
D.ESCAL8™ deliver courses and workshops based on human relationships. This grounding is not about hierarchy of those supported vrs those they support. D8 is about building and maintaining positive relationships even with people who cause you some stress. From feedback this can have a good effect on your own relationships.