
developing positive relationships


Fostering welcomes children and young people into your home to be part of your family. All relationships have stressful times and bringing an individual of any age into your home can put pressure on all aspects of family life. Positive relationships are the key to successful placements, be they emergency, respite, short term or long term stays.

At D.ESCAL8™ we tend not to use the term 'Challenging Behaviour', but prefer to focus on assisting individuals with their distress. Why not read our post to find out why?


Not all families and social care providers will feel that they need our foundation 3 day RRN Certified course, 'Supporting Individuals in Distress.' link

Not everyone will need to be taught many of the physical skills, preferring a greater focus on understanding and implementing Positive Behaviour Support (PBS).

To meet the particular needs of foster carers we can offer smaller more bespoke one or two day workshops depending on the training needs analysis.


Developing Positive Relationships - Children / Young People in Distress

a teddy bear looking out a window

Foster carers can often find themselves facing problems around behaviour and distress. D.ESCAL8™’s 3 day certified course, ‘Supporting Individuals in Distress’ will provide foster carers with the understanding, skills and confidence to approach these incidents in a calm manner, meeting the needs of the child. The course will also give foster carers a strong understanding of current legislation, guidance, and best practice so social care providers can be confident in their knowledge.

The children and young people in foster care are likely to have had many disappointments and a lack of that constant emotional 'gatepost' we all need. Our courses focus firmly on Positive Behaviour Support and building secure, trusting relationships both in stable times and in times of distress.

Social Worker on a bespoke 2 day course designed for an individual.

“I highly recommend the training to any professional who works with children where their presentation needs to be safely managed in such a way that actually supports that young person and staff. The training was very refreshing, providing new ways to manage a range of behaviours. This is done by first fully understanding the Young Persons needs through close analysis of ‘why’ the Young Person presents in a particular way. We were also able to link presentation to other issues such as sensory, communication and also routines. By fully understating this first, we are able to taylor our approach resulting in incidents being carefully and safely managed. By understanding first the person’s needs, we were able to taylor our approach to de-escalate before any physical intervention. The ethos around any physical intervention has been well thought out and tested. The training was delivered very well and has supported my ability as a practitioner so keep myself and the Young People safe.”


Supervising Social Worker on a Foundation 3 day "Developing Positive Relationships with Individuals in Distress"

“I have to say that in our profession we are often given models of intervention to use and the theory behind them, but applying them in reality often fails. Your course helped me challenge my own belief system in understanding the psychological impact of ‘power’ in applying re-enforcement theory for children and young people with Learning disabilities. Your course provides a realistic interpretation of the work environment and how to remain calm and it certainly tests participants! Listening to your own experience and your realistic role plays certainly causes you to reflect on your own practice and how you will go forward to help carers in their roles. Thank you.”


an image of a hand written evaluation
a testimonial of -"an amazing 3 days training"

'Supporting Individuals in Distress' (SID) - Restraint Reduction Network

This D.ESCAL8™ 3 day course is Certified under the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards administered by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD). As with all our physical intervention courses it is informed by the Training Needs Analysis of the needs of the individuals you support.

Participants completing this course will gain a certificate confirming they have been trained to the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards.

As the 'Supporting Individuals in Distress' course (SID) is certified you can be confident that all of the standards of theory, current legislation, Physical Intervention Risk Assessments and best practice are met whilst being tailored to the particular needs of your service and supported individuals.

  • RESEARCH BASED - embedding current research, legislation, best practice and 'real world' examples, aiding consolidation of skills and knowledge
  • SAFE ZONE - participants are fully supported both emotionally and physically throughout our training situations, leading to a toolbox of staff support systems
  • BEHAVIOURAL - we use Behavioural Skills Training (BST) theory which employs instructions, modelling, rehearsal, and feedback in order to effectively teach a new skill

Day One


  • Legal Aspects & Policies
  • Tolerance & Emotional Resilience
  • Stress & Staff Support
  • Assault Cycle & De-escalation techniques
  • Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Physical Interventions - Disengagement

  • Simple pinches

Day two

This content is agreed during the commissioning process and is informed by Training Needs Analysis & Behavioural Audits.


  • Introduction to Stress Training - how our emotions affect the interactions we have when in stressful situations & how we can improve our communication under pressure. Our aim is to build positive relationships with those we support.
  • Introduction to Self Injury

Physical Interventions - Disengagement

Examples of the comprehensively risk assessed techniques include;

  • Wrist Grabs
  • Pinching / Scratching
  • Clothing Grabs
  • Hair Grabs
  • Biting
  • Airway Protection
  • Assisting Others in any situation
  • Protection from hits / blows

Day three

This content is agreed during the commissioning process and is informed by Training Needs Analysis & Behavioural Audits.

Concepts for day 3

  • Advanced Stress Training
  • Self Injury

Restrictive Physical Interventions

Extending on from and consolidating the second day, examples of the techniques include;

  • Movement concepts
  • Fluid Restraint
  • Movement & Self Injury
  • Other Restrictive Procedures as informed by Training Needs Analysis & Behavioural Audits

Link to BILD ACT entry for D.ESCAL8™

Bristol Area Open Workshop

10-12th March 2025

Bristol Area

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West Wales Open Workshop

29th April - 1st May 2025


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Update Day - Open Workshop

2nd May 2025


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