Is the D.ESCAL8™ Fluid Restraint System good enough?

Is the D.ESCAL8™ Fluid Restraint System good enough?

In our core foundation teaching we do not use restraint techniques that traditionally immobalise the person. This is for a multitude of reasons that we cover when teaching our Fluid Restraint System to participants.

We have a number of other advanced techniques we use around individuals occasionally when needed. However invariably, when they understand our Fluid Restraint System, staff opt to use FLUID RESTRAINT and not use more restrictive techniques where possible.

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Restraint Reduction Network

  • Research Based
  • Physical & Emotional Safety
  • Behavioural at the core

Our Foundation course, 'Supporting Individuals in Distress,' is Certified by the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards that are administered by BILD - they can be found here