Positive behaviour Support

PBS for all

developing positive relationships

Introduction to PBSCore & Advanced PBS

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a term that encompasses strategies that aim to assist a person to reduce behaviours that others find challenging, and so increase the person's quality of life. PBS always involves information and data based decision making using functional behavioural assessment and ongoing assessment of the impact of the intervention.

In essence PBS is underpinned by the science of human behaviour with interventions based on interpreting data rather than individual assumptions.

PBS image from BILD video
  • PBS strategies are effective when interventions result in an increase in a person's success and personal satisfaction.
  • Interventions are successful when they lead to enhancement of positive social interactions across work, educational, recreational, and community settings.
  • Positive Behavior Support assessment and intervention strategies are based upon research in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
  • PBS works from the premise that behaviour serves a purpose and is influenced by the environment, so the person’s wider support network and environment need to be considered.

PBS is exactly what it sounds like - a supportive, positive approach.  

  • We must NOT try to control other people, instead we must support those individuals with the process of altering their own behaviour.
  • There is a reason behind most behaviour that presents as ‘challenging’, such as meeting an unmet need.
  • Every person has unique strengths and talents that can be utilised.
  • Everyone must be treated with compassion and respect regardless of their behaviour.
  • Everyone is entitled to a good quality of life and an effective service.
  • Knowledge and commitment about how to provide support for positive behaviour can make a big difference to an individual’s quality of life.
  • Positive responses are more effective than coercion and punishment.

PBS requires us to all to:

  • Model and encourage positive behaviour.
  • Teach new skills to communicate needs.
  • Develop positive interventions when behaviours that ‘challenge’ others occur.
  • Develop strategies to manage crisis situations.
  • Keep evaluating the support strategies used.
  • Involve the whole family and close support network.
  • Support caregivers who are affected by behaviours that ‘challenge’ them.

BILD video - an introduction to PBS - d8.is/pbs

PBS image from BILD video
Hands down the best de-escalation training I have ever had.

Positive Behaviour Support & physical interventions should be compatible

Commonly staff will say that the Physical Intervention training they had previously received was not compatible with their PBS training. Here at D.ESCAL8™ we pride ourselves on the fact that our course feedback overwhelmingly says that we deliver physical intervention training that is the most compatible with the PBS training being delivered to staff.

D.ESCAL8™ deliver PBS training in its own right, and our Physical Intervention training and consultancy is fully grounded in PBS allowing a seamless experience for participants.

Bristol Area Open Workshop

10-12th March 2025

Bristol Area

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West Wales Open Workshop

29th April - 1st May 2025


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Update Day - Open Workshop

2nd May 2025


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