This seems to be an innocent question with a straight forward answer. However, when asked by someone who works in healthcare industry, assumptions take over and most people are convinced they know exactly what that entails – lets look at the options
Well frankly no one understands that yet – I believe this may be the answer for the all rounder however we need to proceed to more common options.
This leads to a response that is usually underpinned by the phrase – “restraint training”
This is not the case, I do not teach restraint in the manner that they perceive. Most say oh yes I have done that or comment about floor restraint. In actuality I do teach some restraint however the physical skills I teach are very different to your perception of the concept. In my experience most people who experience D.ESCAL8 having been on other training are astounded.
One individual last week fed back that I had taught him restraint. I was wary as he seemed an intelligent person, therefore I chose not to respond to give him more space to explain.
"you taught me to restrain myself from my desire to intervene"
On hearing this I knew he had got the point and was using the word for himself. He had done another course in the last 6 weeks that should have been very similar but according to him had no where near the same focus.
In that moment, after his initial comment, when I chose to let him talk further – I restrained myself too.
Over the years I have taught hundreds of people who say during the training course introduction that they have done this sort of training before, a lot are quite arrogant that they do not need to be on the course due to having done this before. ALL have reported that what D.ESCAL8 does is incredibly different and notably better than any previous training experience.
The problem with getting into the physical conversation is people assume you to be a martial artist or a bouncer rather than the all round D.ESCAL8 trainer.
Is the focus to get staff confident in achieving success in the skills – well yes. However that is secondary to the real focus – to be so good at the skills you never need to use them..
What do you mean? I hear you say. Well another option.
OK most people have fallen asleep before I finish that one – however I think it is closer to what I actually do. One of the issues with this one is the fact that some people actually want physical intervention and think I am just a psychologist, not capable of the high level of physical skill, rather than an well rounded D.ESCAL8 trainer.
And so an in reality you need to have the physical skill level to give you the confidence to remain open in the situation and not reacting due to fear and inexperience.
The truth is I am both, I have developed a system that delivers the skill level to achieve the desired result, AND the psychologist in me has developed a focus to reduce the likelihood of using any physical skill at all.
While I see this as the best of both worlds, normal people fall into making one or other assumption about what I do and therefore assume they understand the D.ESCAL8™ concept.
Teaching the staff to manage their emotion helps their work relationships & I know I can help alter staff members to maintain an open heart and the confidence to have an empty mind when dealing with those in distress.
This leads to less conflict and better relationships.
Better relationships leads to reduction in levels of distress for all parties.