Restraint Reduction Network


D8 Course List including certified Training

The Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards & The British Institute of LEarning Disabilities Association of Certified Training

(The RRN Training Standards & BILD ACT)

The Restraint Reduction Network is a multidisciplinary, multi-agency independent group that brings together dedicated organisations who support individuals in educational, health and social care settings. The RRN give a clear commitment to work together to ensure that the use of coercive and restrictive practice is reduced to an absolute minimum, and the misuse and abuse of restraint is prevented.

The Restraint Reduction Network's Vision:

Our vision is for a society which respects and protects the rights of all people (staff and patients). We want to create a culture of respect for human rights across education, health and social care services so that services are safe, dignified and respect people’s autonomy and well-being, and reduce reliance on restrictive practices.

The Training Standards aim to facilitate cultural change and not just technical competence. They are designed to:

  • Protect people's fundamental human rights and promote person centred, best interest and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are distressed
  • Improve the quality of life of those being restrained and those supporting them
  • Reduce reliance on restrictive practices by promoting positive culture and practice that focuses on prevention, de-escalation and reflective practice
  • Increase understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs
  • Where required, focus on the safest and most dignified use of restrictive interventions including physical restraint. This includes training needs analysis to ensure training is proportional to the needs of the population and setting. There is also increased scrutiny and surveillance of curricula, senior trainers and affiliated organisations.

The above info is taken from

Find out more about the Restraint Reduction Network here

Take The Pledge

BILD ACT is a new charity, distinct from BILD itself, to rigorously assess and certify training services that include a restrictive intervention. They are licensed by the RRN to certify services that comply with the Training Standards (2019).

A full list of certified training organisations can be found here.

Our Restraint Reduction Strategy can be seen here

Link to BILD ACT entry for D.ESCAL8™

Bristol Area Open Workshop

10-12th March 2025

Bristol Area

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Plymouth Area Open Course

1st - 3rd July 2025

Plymouth Area

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West Wales Open Course

29th April - 1st May 2025


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Update Day - Open Course

2nd May 2025


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man and a dog doing high 5 - click to link to the course

This online interactive training involves your team generating live content to discuss. The modern work environement can feel overwhelming, understanding the resources you have or can nurture to assist you to overcome the pressures of life can assist your staff in fabulous ways. Facilitated by our Training Lead this training can cover many different elements agreed in advance with the commissioner of the training. It can also be run where the participants decide live what modules they would like to cover.

The modules themselves promote knowledge and understanding however if you choose the modules well, the outcomes have an effect on individual ethos, resilience, group cohesion and an overall improvement in Psychological Flexibility.

Words from a trainer who had 6 previous providers. None came close.

restraint reduction - CERTified training Service

Our Foundation course, 'Supporting Individuals in Distress,' is Certified by the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards

  • Behavioural at it's core
  • Physical & Emotional Safety
  • Research Based