de-escalation blog

developing positive relationships
& pushing your comfort zone

COurses & WorkshopsABOUT D8

Attachment Trauma & Relationships

2 ladies talking
Recently I was lucky enough to attend the latest BILD seminar entitled - Attachment Trauma & Relationships D.ESCAL8 has, from its inception, focused on attachment, trauma and resilience in relationships and in our main course titled – “Developing Positive Relationships with Individuals in Distress”. I was therefore interested in this seminar in particular and was able to swing my timetable to go in the last few days prior to the event.

Positive Behavour Support Training Animation

image from the BILD PBS video
PBS, Positive Behaviour Support Training focuses us to follow a path, yet there has not been a succinct summation I cared to share until now. The British Institute of Learning Disabilities’s new Centre for the Advancement of Positive Behaviour Support has commissioned a video animation to help explain PBS. I have put it here and also an easily memorable short link for you to this video.

Stress Training Courses

angry man with smoke coming from his ears
A service director the other day commented how it was only on Physical Intervention training that the staff start questioning to the Nth degree about scenarios and possible outcomes of events. She stated that it would not happen on a first aid course. Well I know a first aid trainer who would disagree, however I have been on a lot of training as a participant in the last year (see biog) and can agree her point is valid.

The Assumption about Physical Intervention Training

wooden image of the words challenge assumptions
What would you do? This seems to be an innocent question with a straight forward answer. However, when asked by someone who works in healthcare industry, assumptions take over and most people are convinced they know exactly what that entails – lets look at the options

Challenging Behaviour - Outdated

childs hands on the far side a window that is not see through
Challenging Behaviour is a term the healthcare sector has misused for years. When the term was originally introduced, it was an attempt to move away from the then widely used term "behaviourally disturbed". The healthcare sector recognised that the term had become associated with some very negative connotations and therefore should not, in good conscience, be given to an individual.

Update Day - Open Workshop

24th May 2024

Almost Full!

Register Me!

Bristol Area Open Workshop

4-6th June 2024

Bristol Area

Register Me!

you can take it anywhere

D.ESCAL8™ deliver courses and workshops based on human relationships. This grounding is not about hierarchy of those supported vrs those they support. D8 is about building and maintaining positive relationships even with people who cause you some stress. From feedback this can have a good effect on your own relationships.

  • Research Based
    Relax in the knowledge this is our specialty
  • Physical & Emotional Safety
    D8 systems & processes will provide a safe environment for your staff
  • Behavioural at the core
    Delivery and content complements behavioural science
man with folded arms and glasses smiling
improve the lives of those you support and their futures