de-escalation blog

developing positive relationships
& pushing your comfort zone

COurses & WorkshopsABOUT D8

Affect Labelling

image of a flow diagram
Over the last few years we have had a terrific response in terms of de-escalation with our course incorporating Affect Labelling. Emotions arise to make us pay attention to our environment. The more emotional our experience, the less we can think clearly, resist impulses, and engage in constructive problem-solving. By creating even the simplest label, we learn to express what we are experiencing. At a rudimentary level, we think about what is causing us to feel emotion and take action to experience either more or less of the emotion, depending on the situation.

Update Days - Interesting Responses

image of a lot of people
In a previous life I worked as a trainer for another organisation. This organisation had several trainers which meant when delivering update days I would, more often than not, be delivering an update day to a group who I had not delivered the original course to.When doing the introductions on an update day I used to consistently hear a couple of common comments.

Holiday Cottage

picture of the name of the house - Fron Rhydwen
D.ESCAL8™ know it can sometimes be difficult finding somewhere to take the individuals we support on holiday. Concerns around behaviour - particularly noise and breakages - make supporters feel limited in the choice of accommodation. D.ESCAL8™ recommend Fronrhydwen, a family run smallholding in Pembrokeshire, where Des Cooke lets out a cottage for holidays. The four bedded accommodation is set in a rural 4 acres, affording space and quiet, whilst being situated a short drive from all the area has to offer. Des and his family have welcomed individuals and their carers on many occasions. They have a relaxed and flexible approach e.g. acceptance that noise is part of life.

Offloading - a subsection of de-briefing

dicpiction of 2 faces with brain like cog wheels and gears
If there is any indication or suspicion that anyone has suffered an injury or psychological trauma following the incident / use of physical intervention they must receive treatment and support as soon as is reasonably possible. Debriefing is misused as a term, and while analysis is important in a Positive Behaviour Support framework, your D.ESCAL8™ facilitator discussed these two areas and the differences between debriefing and offloading. 

What kind of support carer are you?

When under pressure we respond in a small number of differing ways. These tend to be in 2 main camps. Those who feel the need to control and those who have a more relaxed attitude. The question is which has a better effect on the person in distress? Picture this, you are under pressure and in distress and you shout at your partner "just get me my dinner!" and your partner replies "No, you will not talk to me in that manner! ENOUGH now."

Participant PDF Certificate Access Online

moving gif image of the certificate
the D8 admin system has developed steadily over the last few years and is now at the point where we can release individual participant online access to their own digital certificates. This has been a while coming and the certificates do not look anything like their physical solid card counterparts. However it does mean participants who for one reason or another do not get their certificate from the course organiser or have lost it, can gain a digital replacement themselves online.

de-escalation and PBS training hubs

workshop as people put postits on a glass wall
From Inception D8 was formed as a method of getting high quality training to those who care for individuals in distress. Part of that concept involves smaller companies and individuals who find accessing training prohibitive for various reasons. Apart from the obvious cost implications with running a full training course there are also the implications regarding closing a business to release staff for the course to occur.

Parent and Family Workshops - Assisting Individuals in Distress

mum dad and son pose for photo
Over the last few years we have been having many conversations with family members who say they never receive support with their child or relative's behaviour.For a long time we debated how to achieve supporting family around their person. I grew up with disabilities as part of my family life and therefore am quite close to the fundamental idea that we are in a great positions to assist others.

What should we be focussing on in DeBriefing

2 girls hug and smile
The term debriefing is an industry-used term. In our industry while useful it is often misunderstood when talking about application at ground floor or grassroots level. When discussing the term de-briefing we have separated the term debriefing into different areas. I will discuss one of these here.

Training Administration System

image of a pen on a page with the word report
A brief conversation around the administration system that we use on a daily basis.

West Wales Open

29th April - 1st May 2025


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Update Day - Open

2nd May 2025


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Plymouth OPEN

1st - 3rd July 2025

Plymouth Area

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you can take it anywhere

D.ESCAL8™ deliver courses and workshops based on human relationships. This grounding is not about hierarchy of those supported vrs those they support. D8 is about building and maintaining positive relationships even with people who cause you some stress. From feedback this can have a good effect on your own relationships.

  • Research Based
    Relax in the knowledge this is our specialty
  • Physical & Emotional Safety
    D8 systems & processes will provide a safe environment for your staff
  • Behavioural at the core
    Delivery and content complements behavioural science
man with folded arms and glasses smiling
improve the lives of those you support and their futures